
Commercial Product Models

Tasked with creating a virtual pantry

of the most current commercial

products, which could then be

used in product sales videos,

we created exploded views

and a view of the complex

inner workings, for dramatic

effect. The models were

also used in brochures and

sell sheets as they were

high enough resolution.

3d product builds & look-dev

Model and environment builds, look-development and composite.

We also provided seamless CGI product lockups with camera moves, that integrated into the live action footage for a beautiful product spot. 

Model Render Gallery

Much of  the modeling was all done by carefully measuring each product, with calipers, then translating each of the many measurements taken into a CAD program. Upon completion of each model, materials and lighting where then added based on the final need.


The images below are photorealistic CGI environments we created. The product models were then added to these environments for seamless changes, when a product is upgraded resulting in much more budget friendly revisions.

Initially, as a proof of concept, we took a high res still of a woman from a previous shoot in a real washroom and created an entirely new CG washroom with all newly updated products. She was color corrected to match. The only thing real in the shot on the right, is the woman.